Cascading chip, space fuelled drones, floating voices and delicate guitars swamp Pxl-Bot’s most atmospheric release to date, with Holy Konni at the helm leading his musical shuttle expertly through Pink Floyd-esque territory and back out through a futuristic maelstrom. Featuring much more than just standard chip, this fresh outlook on the use of the instrument draws influences from several different areas and leaves the listener jaw-gappingly hooked. Relaxing, space-y and perfect to a minute tee, this release is nothing short of stunning. And we are unspeakably proud to support the work of both a great artist and a great person.
2. Flying Around In Space
3. Explore The Moon
4. Run Away From The Raging Moonbear
5. We Can Play Music Together
6. The Moonbear Sings Beautifully
7. I'm Staying Here Forever
Also, if you support him over at his bandcamp (found through the above link) you’ll get bonus art with your music. And if he wasn’t a good artist, we wouldn’t use him so much… GET ON THAT.